After 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2007 it’s time for another BCMC! The Basel crew wants YOU for a thirsty summer weekend packed with CHISTOLE like:
Friday 29th August 2014
18h: Meet ’n Greet, Grill ’n Chill, Registration, Elisabethenpark, Bahnhof SBB
20h (sharp!!) Monopoly Alleycat, Elisabethenpark, Bahnhof SBB
22h: BCBC – Basel Courier Bar Crawl– Exploring Basels most popular courier bars, start @ cargobar, St. Johanns Rheinweg 46
Saturday. 30th August 2014
11h: Registration, Breakfast by Mischka & ALI at Landestelle, Uferstrasse 90
13h: Tour des Tours de Bâle – an easy ride visiting a selection of beautiful sights of Basel:
Start @ Landestelle, Uferstrasse 90
15h : Main Race Riehen, Kornfeldkirche, Kornfeldstr. 51, Riehen , as the main race is part
of an official swiss cycling road race we will start at 15h sharp – no messenger
18h: Uphill Mass Sprint St. Chrischona (rigth next to the mainrace venue)
19h: Clitorino Party: dinner by Mischka & ALI, cheap beer, Gold Sprints, Indoor Cross, Track Stand, Skids, Sauna, at Kaschemme, Lehenmattstrasse 356
Sunday, 31th August 2014
11h: Breakfast at Landestelle, Uferstrasse 90
12h: Lakejump, Sauna, Funny Games, Sprint, Skids, Prizegiving, Chillout, Landestelle,
Uferstrasse 90
16h: Prizegiving, Au revoir!
Registration open during all events. Registration Fee CHF 15.00
BCMC Website: meobasel.ch/bcmc14
Online Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1iG-gxilz6M6r2nLJwBI9aZD-ylZb9aUQCahNgom1pcc/viewform
PDF Schedule: http://www.meobasel.ch/bcmc14/Basel_CMC_2014.pdf
For realtime updates check the FB Event or meobasel.ch
We are looking forward to welcoming you in our beautiful town :) 615-544-0050