Schlagwort-Archive: recipe

messenger recipe collection – send in yours!

Sende dein liebstes Velopöstler-Rezept ein für das ultimative MESSENGERFEED cookbook, an welcher Balint arbeitet!

Send in your favourite bike messenger recipe für the ultimate MESSENGERFEED cookbook on which Balin is working!

Please vorward to all the bicycle messengers!
We ride our bikes regularly 10 hours a day and i have to face it: my eating habits became much like refueling. Filling up my body with cheap fuel as fast as possible, sometimes while riding. So I decided to collect recipes from fellow messengers and publish them here as a MESSENGERFEED cookbook. Please contribute with any kind of self made mixture which supplies our daily carb needs fast and easy – even better when you add some snapshots. We will serve our favorite meal at the cookbook release party of our VELOFETISH Exhibition in Budapest and raffle a Balkantango wallet among the contributors.

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