Archiv der Kategorie: Main Events

PRECMC 2015 > Groupride > Basilea // Gottardo // Milano

The Basel messenger family warmly welcomes you to a wonderful weekend and invites you to join us in crossing the alps from Basel to Milano.

We will be organizing a thrill and fun filled schedule for you from Friday evening to Sunday morning. Of course there will be an alleycat, funny games, an awesome party, great food and a couple of surprises! We’ll be updating this space with more information.

FROM MAY 22th – MAY 28th 2015 //


The Gotthard Pass

The Gotthard Pass has been one of the most important trading routes along the north-south-axis in Europe since the middle ages. For a long time, it was the only connection between the German-speaking part of Switzerland and the Italian-speaking canton of Ticino and Italy. The old pass road Tremol still exists to this day on the south side of the mountain. Today, this ancient cobblestone road winds steeply up the mountain and is almost exclusively used by cyclists and the old postal service stagecoach.

The pass will be a real challenge for every participant and as such requires a high standard of physical fitness. After scaling 1,700m of elevation in 40km, the pass itself lies on an elevation of 2,106m. Even at the end of May, it’s very possible that two meter high walls of snow will be lining the roads on each side. Make no mistake, it will be cold. Where the sun doesn’t reach, it will be very cold indeed. As tested by Pavian, Armin and Daniel, it is possible to ride the pass in a fixed gear, but it’s recommended to not exceed a 48:17 gear ratio. It’s advised to bring along a 19 or 20 tooth cog.

WARNING: Crossing the pass brakeless is extremely dangerous and thus forbidden.

The Gotthard isn’t just a mountain or a pass though: For most Swiss people it’s a symbol. In the late 19th century a 15km long rail tunnel was driven through the hard granite. To achieve this amazing feat of engineering, thousands of Italian guest workers were recruited from the poor parts of North Italy to toil away in the tunnels day and night under miserable conditions. These Tschinggen, as the Italians were disdainfully called, established themselves as guest workers and immigrated into Switzerland in the thousands. Here, they were treated badly and discriminated against for decades. Today, this Italian influence has left lasting impressions on Swiss culture and culinary traditions and many Italians have found a home in Switzerland. I’d say that’s as good a reason as any to join our Italian friends by crossing the Gotthard from Switzerland and have a great time with them and everybody else at the ECMC Milano! And if we’re lucky, there will be loads of delicious Pasta waiting for us.

facts and figures:

  • around 400km in 5 days
  • lodging either in your own tent or in provided dormitories
  • support vehicle for emergencies
  • luggage can be transported in the support vehicle
  • ride in one of two performance level groups or alone
  • daily breakfast, lunch and dinner

prECMC 2015 Basilea – San Gottardo – Milano 22.5.-28.5.2015

prECMC 2015 Basilea – San Gottardo – Milano


Wir laden vom 22.-28.05.2015  alle VelopöstlerInnen ganz herzlich ein um sich mit uns am offiziellen PreEvent angemessen auf die ECMC 2015 in Mailand einzustimmen!

Hereby we cordially invite all bike messengers to Basel to the official PreEvent of the ECMC 2015 in Milano!

Alle Infos auf: || all informations on: Registration open :




Hallo Schweiz, Salut Suisse, Ciao Svizzera! 

We already did it at the BCMC 2014 in Basel and rocking`further to SUICMC 2014 in Nyon!
It is the time of the year to rock and race again:

5.-7.9.2014 GENEVE/NYON


Basel Cycle Messenger Championchips 2014


After 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2007 it’s time for another BCMC! The Basel crew wants YOU for a thirsty summer weekend packed with CHISTOLE like: 

Friday 29th August 2014

18h: Meet ’n Greet, Grill ’n Chill, Registration, Elisabethenpark, Bahnhof SBB

20h (sharp!!) Monopoly Alleycat, Elisabethenpark, Bahnhof SBB

22h: BCBC – Basel Courier Bar Crawl– Exploring Basels most popular courier bars, start @ cargobar, St. Johanns Rheinweg 46

Saturday. 30th August 2014

11h: Registration, Breakfast by Mischka & ALI at Landestelle, Uferstrasse 90

13h: Tour des Tours de Bâle – an easy ride visiting a selection of beautiful sights of Basel:
Start @ Landestelle, Uferstrasse 90

15h : Main Race Riehen, Kornfeldkirche, Kornfeldstr. 51, Riehen , as the main race is part
of an official swiss cycling road race we will start at 15h sharp – no messenger

18h: Uphill Mass Sprint St. Chrischona (rigth next to the mainrace venue)

19h: Clitorino Party: dinner by Mischka & ALI, cheap beer, Gold Sprints, Indoor Cross, Track Stand, Skids, Sauna, at Kaschemme, Lehenmattstrasse 356

Sunday, 31th August 2014

11h: Breakfast at Landestelle, Uferstrasse 90

12h: Lakejump, Sauna, Funny Games, Sprint, Skids, Prizegiving, Chillout, Landestelle,
Uferstrasse 90

16h: Prizegiving, Au revoir!

Registration open during all events. Registration Fee CHF 15.00

BCMC Website:

Online Registration:

PDF Schedule:

For realtime updates check the FB Event or

We are looking forward to welcoming you in our beautiful town :) 615-544-0050

2014: A Race Odyssey


Auch im 2014 organisieren wir wieder eine Race Odyssey mit einem Alleycat pro Monat welches in eine Gesamtwertung fliesst um so den Basler Meister und die Basler Meisterin zu ermitteln!

Also in 2014, we are once again organizing a Race Odyssey with one race per month which flows into a total score and results in a Basel Champion male/female.

Wer Lust hat ein Alleycat zu organisieren meldet sich hier // who wants to organize a alleycat can contact us here:

[table id=6 /]

 Wer Lust hat ein Alleycat zu organisieren meldet sich hier // who wants to organize a alleycat can contact us here:

IronMessenger II / Groupride to TriCMC Freiburg


Checkpoint IronMessenger








Click image for more fotos

 Ranking Iron Messenger:

1. Flo (KurierZentrale Basel)

Dead Fucking Last: Flo (KurierZentrale Basel)

Iron Messenger / Groupride Basel – Freiburg

Man darf ohne falsche Scham behaupten California region phone , dass uns und Rombo und seine Helfer auf der Himmelswiese  bei Müllheim den wohl geilsten Checkpoint ever beschert haben, was durch nur einen Teilnehmer beim Alleycat aber um kein bischen getrübt wurde. Im Gegenteil, die Verlockung des Weines vom Ökohof Ruesch war einfach zu gross und so schlossen sich fast alle Fahrer dem Groupride an.


[pdb_list orderby="date_recorded" order="asc" sort="true" display_count="true"]

[pdb_signup] 615-544-8639


Basel Messenger Weekend 2013

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Am 30.08.2013 ist es soweit. Das BMW – Basel Messenger Weekend 2013 steht an.
Ein Wochenende voller Spass-Wettkämpfe, Plaudern, Feiern und Velofahren. Die perfekte Einstimmung für die TriCMC 2013 in Freiburg im Breisgau, die 2 Wochen später stattfindet.

From Friday, 30 of August  to Sunday 1st of September the famous BMW – the Basel Messenger Weekend takes place.
A weekend full of fun games, chatting, partying and cycling. The ideal preparation for the TriCMC 2013 in Freiburg (Germany).

Damit wir eine Übersicht haben, wie viele Preise wir vergeben dürfen und wie viele hungrige Mäuler wir stopfen müssen gibt es hier die:
Please register, so we know how many prices we can hand over and how much food we have to supply:

Sign-up, Anmeldung, Inscription, Registro, Inscrizione, 申报, Rejestracja

Wir wollen ja nicht, dass ihr uns verhungert, deswegen bieten wir am Samstag und Sonntag jeweils ein Frühstück, sowie am Samstag Abend ein gutes Nachtessen an.
There will be a breakfast at Saturday and Sunday as well as a good dinner at Saturday.
And of course a lot of cheep beer.

Das ganze Wochenende gibt es für die läppische Startgebühr = Unkostenbeitrag von 20.- Fr., (Cash at regisration)
Starting fee is 20.- Fr.



Freitag 30.8.2013

19:00 Registration at Landestelle
19:00-20:00 Meet & Greet  at Landestelle
20:00 (20:30) Start Alleycat at Landestelle
22:00 BBQ (Grillgut bitte selbst mitbringen/Bring your own food), Sauna at Landestelle
22:30 Outdoor Party: DJ Matt Swift (Raunchy Rawhide Chicken (BS)), Messenger from Frankfurt



Samstag 31.8.2013

10:00-12:00 Katerbrunch und Registration at Hartplatz / Marina Bar
12:00-14:00 Fun Games Part I at Hartplatz / Hartplatz
14:30 Grouperide to Riehen
16:00 Start Main Race in Riehen
17:30 Ende Main Race in Riehen
18:00 Siegerehrung in Riehen
18:30 Groupride to Landestelle
19:00-20:00 Essen Landestelle
20:00-22:00 Fun Games Part II at Hartplatz
22:00 Outdoor Party: Protestango (Buenos Aires – Barcelona)
23:00 Bar / Essen / Sauna at Landestelle



Sonntag 1.9.2013

10:00-12:00 Katerbrunch at Hartplatz / Marina Bar
12:00-15:00 Fun Games Part III at Klybeckinsel10:00-12:00 Katerbrunch at Hartplatz / Landestelle
12:00 BBQ (Grillgut bitte selbst mitbringen/Bring your own food)
16:00 Siegerehrung at Landestelle
17:00 Sunday Afternoon Ride out (offen)


Photos & Videos

Alle Photos und Videos gibt’s:

  •  Falls du selbst Photos gemacht hast und sie teilen willst
    • lade sie entweder auf Flickr hoch und versehe sie mit dem Tag „meobmw13“,
    • oder schreib uns ne Mail, um eine andere Lösung zu finden.

1175469_10151634788623175_377330200_n 1240231_10151668008141909_980307630_n


The Rankings

The Crew

Alban Alboum / 103 Fournier Velocite Lausanne
Armin 115 Basel
Astrid Berlin
Astried Astried /108 Huebner Kurierzentrale Basel
Bastien Bast la casse Luisier La Vélopostale Genève
Bavid Nickname Deerli FatEx B.A.S.E.L
Benjamin Beni 94 Schmid Metropol Basel
Benjamin CHAOT829 Frei KurierZentrale Basel Basel
Beno 59 Herzog Metro Basel
carole 726 martin kurierzentrale basel
Christa 897 Basel
Christoph 833 Huber Basel
custom dave 824 b Fat Ex Bottmingen
Cynthia 663 Scarpatetti Kurierzentrale Basel
Cyril 99 Mettler Vélocité Neuch-Yverdonl-Lôz
Daniel 948 Herzog Basel
David Hornet / 100 Borruat Vélocité Lausanne
Dominik 908 Seinige Kuz Basel
Flora Flora Colledge Basel
Florian Flo88 #221 Brehm Metropol Basel
Florian dlorian 865 D. KuZ Basel
Hagen 990 Hübner KuZ Basel
Houssine The Hou / 175 Riabi Urban Cycle Paris
Jakob 94 Basel
Jérôme Strom Thiriet KurierZentrale Basel
Jonathan Sauvage Moy de Vitry La Fleuriste Göteborg
Khalil #759 Khalil Kurier Zentrale Gmbh Basel
Knut Mustache Maywald Kurierzentrale Basel
Laurent 714 Basel
Luc 113 Unternährer Veloblitz Zureich
Luca LuckyL Fiechter KurierZentrale Basel
Mac Vi #137 Adrien Vélocité Neuchâtel
mani 896 dahrer kuz basel
manna manna manna kuz basel
Marc 87 Basel
Marius 964 Schlienger Ch. Istole and partners Basel
Matt Swift
Matthias Matt 42 Hempel Fatex Basel
Mirko 798 Kienle KurierZentrale Basel
Mischa 9 Biel
Mischka 333 Ziiri
Nic 905 Basel
Norma 124 Basel
Océane Baby Rookie Maréchal Lausanne
Paolo Basel2
Patrick 936 Weber KuZ Basel
Philip phibsi / 0 Lüscher Köln
Pije 77 Biel
raph doble nakenger pfeiffer piranha lausanne
Reto RetoZ 571 Zeltner KuZ Basel
Roger Rotsch 519 Basel
sabine schoggistängeli callier kuz basel
Salome 763 Basel
Samy 37 Basel
Valérie Nishiki Hashimoto Velokurier Biel BNC
Voxo Basel


Luca LuckyL Fiechter Basel 1
raph doble nakenger pfeiffer lausanne 2
Armin 115 Basel 3
Mac Vi #137 Adrien Neuchâtel 4
Daniel 948 Herzog Basel 5
Valérie Nishiki Hashimoto BNC 6
custom dave 824 b Bottmingen 7
Laurent 714 Basel 8
Océane Baby Rookie Maréchal Lausanne 9
Knut Mustache Maywald Basel 10
Mischa 9 Biel 10
Paolo Basel2 12
Florian Flo88 #221 Brehm Basel 13
Houssine The Hou / 175 Riabi Paris 14
Astrid Berlin 15
Mirko 798 Kienle Basel 16
Philip phibsi / 0 Lüscher Köln 17
Hagen 990 Hübner Basel 18
Florian dlorian 865 D. Basel 19
Jakob 94 Basel 20
carole 726 martin basel 21
Marius 964 Schlienger Basel 22
Salome 763 Basel 23
Beno 59 Herzog Basel 24
Pije 77 Biel 25
Jonathan Sauvage Moy de Vitry Göteborg 26
Cynthia 663 Scarpatetti Basel 27
Voxo Basel 28
Alban Alboum / 103 Fournier Lausanne 29
Bastien Bast la casse Luisier Genève 30
Kobli 31
Roger Rotsch 519 Basel 32
Khalil #759 Khalil Basel 33
Norma 124 Basel 34
mani 896 dahrer basel 35
Christa 897 Basel 36
Christoph 833 Huber Basel 37
Matt Swift 38
Mischka 333 Ziiri 39
Dominik 908 Seinige Basel 40
Benjamin Beni 94 Schmid Basel 41


Kobli 1
Philip phibsi / 0 Lüscher Köln 1
Paolo Basel2 2
Armin 115 Basel 3
Hagen 990 Hübner KuZ Basel 3
Marius 964 Schlienger Ch. Istole and partners Basel 3
Florian dlorian 865 D. KuZ Basel 4
Luca LuckyL Fiechter KurierZentrale Basel 4
Knut Mustache Maywald Kurierzentrale Basel 5
Norma 124 Basel 5
mani 896 dahrer kuz basel 6
Mischa 9 Biel 6
Pije 77 Biel 6
Valérie Nishiki Hashimoto Velokurier Biel BNC 6
Christa 897 Basel 7
Laurent 714 Basel 7
Voxo Basel 8
Cynthia 663 Scarpatetti Kurierzentrale Basel 9
Houssine The Hou / 175 Riabi Urban Cycle Paris 9
Florian Flo88 #221 Brehm Metropol Basel 10
custom dave 824 b Fat Ex Bottmingen 11

Anarchy Polo

raph doble nakenger pfeiffer lausanne 1
Luca LuckyL Fiechter Basel 2
Armin 115 Basel 3
Beno 59 Herzog Basel 4
Mirko 798 Kienle Basel 5
Voxo Basel 6
Mac Vi #137 Adrien Neuchâtel 9


Astrid Berlin 1
raph doble nakenger pfeiffer lausanne 1
Luca LuckyL Fiechter Basel 1
Armin 115 Basel 1
Mirko 798 Kienle Basel 1
Mac Vi #137 Adrien Neuchâtel 1
Valérie Nishiki Hashimoto BNC 1
carole 726 martin basel 1
Salome 763 Basel 1
Océane Baby Rookie Maréchal Lausanne 1
Mischa 9 Biel 1
Jonathan Sauvage Moy de Vitry Göteborg 1
Pije 77 Biel 1
Bastien Bast la casse Luisier Genève 1

Target Skid

Daniel 948 Herzog Basel 1
Florian dlorian 865 D. Basel 2
Mac Vi #137 Adrien Neuchâtel 3
raph doble nakenger pfeiffer lausanne 4
custom dave 824 b Bottmingen 5
Jakob 94 Basel 6
Florian Flo88 #221 Brehm Basel 7
Houssine The Hou / 175 Riabi Paris 8
Luca LuckyL Fiechter Basel 9
Laurent 714 Basel 10
Armin 115 Basel 11

Iron Skid

Daniel 948 Herzog Basel 1
custom dave 824 b Bottmingen 2
Armin 115 Basel 3
Houssine The Hou / 175 Riabi Paris 4
Mac Vi #137 Adrien Neuchâtel 5
Luca LuckyL Fiechter Basel 6
Laurent 714 Basel 7
raph doble nakenger pfeiffer lausanne 8
Florian Flo88 #221 Brehm Basel 9

Strip Stand

raph doble nakenger pfeiffer lausanne 1 – 10’37“
Philip phibsi / 0 Lüscher Köln 2
Mac Vi #137 Adrien Neuchâtel 4
Jakob 94 Basel 5
custom dave 824 b Bottmingen 6
Laurent 714 Basel 8
Hagen 990 Hübner Basel 9
Matt Swift 10
Luca LuckyL Fiechter Basel 11

Pain Bike

Daniel 948 Herzog Basel 1
Luca LuckyL Fiechter Basel 2
Armin 115 Basel 3
Florian Flo88 #221 Brehm Basel 4
raph doble nakenger pfeiffer lausanne 5


Daniel 948 Herzog Basel 1
Luca LuckyL Fiechter Basel 1
Armin 115 Basel 1
raph doble nakenger pfeiffer lausanne 1
custom dave 824 b Bottmingen 1
Valérie Nishiki Hashimoto BNC 1
Océane Baby Rookie Maréchal Lausanne 1
Beno 59 Herzog Basel 1
Knut Mustache Maywald Basel 1
Paolo Basel2 1
Marius 964 Schlienger Basel 1


raph doble nakenger pfeiffer lausanne 1
Valérie Nishiki Hashimoto BNC 1
Océane Baby Rookie Maréchal Lausanne 1
Knut Mustache Maywald Basel 1
Hagen 990 Hübner Basel 1
Mischa 9 Biel 1
Alban Alboum / 103 Fournier Lausanne 1
Daniel 948 Herzog Basel 2
Armin 115 Basel 2
Mac Vi #137 Adrien Neuchâtel 2
Luca LuckyL Fiechter Basel 3
Paolo Basel2 4

Main Race

First Name Nick Name / Number Last Name City Main Race
Laurent 714 Basel 1
Astrid Berlin 1
Valérie Nishiki Hashimoto BNC 2
Mirko 798 Kienle Basel 2
Roger Rotsch 519 Basel 2
Cynthia 663 Scarpatetti Basel 3
carole 726 martin basel 3
Salome 763 Basel 3
Mac Vi #137 Adrien Neuchâtel 4
Océane Baby Rookie Maréchal Lausanne 4
Khalil #759 Khalil Basel 5
Philip phibsi / 0 Lüscher Köln 6
Hagen 990 Hübner Basel 7
Mischa 9 Biel 8
Knut Mustache Maywald Basel 9
Christoph 833 Huber Basel 10
Jonathan Sauvage Moy de Vitry Göteborg 10
Paolo Basel2 12
Luca LuckyL Fiechter Basel 13
raph doble nakenger pfeiffer lausanne 14
Armin 115 Basel 15
Mischka 333 Ziiri 16
Dominik 908 Seinige Basel 17
Florian dlorian 865 D. Basel 18
Jakob 94 Basel 19
Benjamin Beni 94 Schmid Basel 20
Houssine The Hou / 175 Riabi Paris 21
Alban Alboum / 103 Fournier Lausanne 22


Alle Fehler vorbehalten. Irgend jemand hatte mir am vorabend etwas in mein Mineralwasser geschüttet ;)


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